Maps  and  Directions

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"Red Star Fall Fest / Oktoberfest"
Date & Time :

Saturday & Sunday, 
November  2
& 3,   2024
( The First Weekend in November )

1:00 pm   --   ?  ?  ?  ?

Location :


Melvin  Chestnut's  Residents
1080  Grahams  Wood  Rd.

Newville,  PA  17241
cell :  717 - 385 - 8683






Melvin Chestnut's Residents  is  Approximately 32 Miles 
From  The Susquehanna River.


Coming From  Interstate  81,  The Best Way To Get To Mel's Residents
Is To Take  Exit  49 : ( Rt. 641,  High St.  Exit ) .


After Getting Off  Exit 49,  Turn Right on to  Rt. 641 West.
About a Mile Down The Road.  You Will Pass a Lowe's,  a McDonald's,
a Dunkin' Donuts,  a Weis,  and You Will Merge into  Rt. 74 North.


Staying on Rt. 74 North.
You will enter  The Carlisle Square : (High St. / Hanover St.) .
Three Traffic Lights after The Square,  You will Turn Right,
and Follow Rt. 74 North  on to College Street.
6-8 Blocks later, You will Turn Left on to B Street
and follow Rt. 74 North out of Town.
At this point you are a little over 5 Miles to Rt. 944.


At  Rt. 74 North / Rt. 944 ,
Turn Left onto Rt. 944 West  (Now called Enola Rd.) .
At Rt. 944 / Grahams Wood Rd. You will see sighs saying :
Mel's Hayride, and USF Red Star.

Turn Right onto Grahams Wood Rd.


2 Miles Later,  You are at Melvin Chestnut's Residents.



Melvin  Chestnut's  Residents

1080  Grahams Wood Rd. ,   Newville,   PA   17241




If You Get Lost  or  Have Any Problems :

Call Either :   Melvin  Chestnut,  Mike  Miller,  and/or  Chris  Cook.





Red Star  Get Together  Photos  -  2023
Red Star  Summer Picnic  -  2023
Red Star  Get Together  Photos  -  2022
Red Star  Get Together  Photos  -  2021
Red Star  Get Together  Photos  -  2020
Red Star  Get Together  Photos  -  2019
Red Star  Get Together  Photos  -  2017
Red Star  Get Together  Photos  -  2016
  Red Star  Reunion  Photos  -  2014
Updated  Photos  and  Info

